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Crisana's Reality

One Week Girlfriend - Monica  Murphy My goodness I really liked this book.
And it was so different from what I was expecting.
Read it quite fast and it left me wanting more.
So now all I keep thinking is about Drew and Fable.
Hoping they get the HEA they deserve in the next book.
My heart was breaking for these two.
And I need to read more about them.
Loved how real they were.
Loved how they interacted with each other.
Only need to know one thing
When is the next book out?
Finding Never - C.M. Stunich This book was in some ways better than the first. I really enjoyed seeing Never and Ty getting to know each other better. It was really heart warming to see how much Ty loves and supports Never and how strong he is throughout the whole book even though he has his own unresolved issues. We get a glimpse of Ty's background but everything about his past is pretty much in the open and I hope we get to see this in the last book of the trilogy.
Never's interaction with her family was quite sweet (except her horrible mom!) and it was really nice to see her reconnect with these people that love her even when there are a lot of unresolved past problems and misunderstandings.
The reason why I'm not giving this book 5 starts is Noah freakin Scott! I didn't really like the way Never was around him and how she couldn't just be honest with him about Ty. This is maybe because I don't really like books with love triangles and feel that there are better things to write about in a book to keep the readers attention but this is just my personal opinion.
Overall this is a great read and I can't wait to read the final book and see more of Ty. I must confess that Ty is one of my fave male characters and is the main reason why I'm enjoying this series so much.
Lost Boy - Tara Brown I didn't think that I could like Eli even more, but I was wrong. A great read.
The Lonely - Tara Brown What an amazing ride this book was. I read it too fast and when it was finished I regretted not taking longer to read it and savour it as it deserves to be savoured. It goes straight to my Faves shelf and I know I will be reading this book again and again.
I admit I didn't read the blurb before starting this book and I still haven't read it after finishing it. Sometimes I just like to start a book with a clean sheet, no expectations of any kind. But even without reading the blurb or any of the reviews I confess I was expecting a nice New Adult kind of book with some angst and a happy ending, the kind of book to fill in a lazy Saturday afternoon. I got so much more than that as this book just punched me right in the stomach, it wasn't what I expected it to be at all, it was dark and gritty and the characters are very real and so not perfect. Actually they are quite far from it.
Eli is not your typical alpha male and his actions throughout the whole book will give you mixed feelings and are not easy to justify even though sometimes the end does justifies the means. Emalyn has so many issues and is beyond broken and to learn more about how she became the way she has is a hard journey but one I enjoyed going through with her. These two will make you go on a wild, dark and sometimes not pretty ride.
I will leave it as this because this is one of those books that it's best to go into without any spoilers, it's an amazing book and deserves to be read without any preconceived ideas.
I saw that there is a book coming out in Eli's POV, I need me some more dark, sexy, domineering, broken Eli in my life! Can I have this book now please? I'll beg ;)
Reasons I Fell for the Funny Fat Friend - Cassie Mae,  Becca Ann This was a fun, quick read and I ended up enjoying it so much more than I was expecting to. I am a sucker for a male POV and this book didn't let me down on that. Brody had a boy's mind and at no time did I get the impression that his thoughts were anything but from a male perspective. There wasn't much angst but there were some issues and the tittle does cover pretty much what the book is about. I really liked this book, it made me smile and left me with nice, warm feelings at the end.
I Surrender - Monica  James "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it does not, it was never meant to be."

I am so in love with Jasper right now! He is my new book boyfriend, with his bed hair and his cerulean eyes. I want a “friend” like him in my life. I loved the fact that he worked with injured animals, it’s something very close to my heart and it made me like him so much more. Also I have read a lot of books with rock stars lately, so not having all the focus on Jasper being a band member was quite refreshing.
Ava did my head in though. I just wanted to slap some sense into her. I understand the fear of being let down again but she took her insecurities to another level. I hope she sorts herself out in the next book but unfortunately I think it’s going to take quite a bit before that happens. I want the next book out now but at the same time I’m too scared to see what Ava is going to come up with next.

The writing was really good, I liked the way the story flowed and overall it was a great book with just the right angst and a lot of chemistry between the H/h. I had great fun reading this book, and can't wait for the next book so I can have more of Jasper.
Sometimes Never (Sometimes Never, #1) - Cheryl McIntyre Wow this was such a great read, really enjoyed it!
Escape from Paradise - Gwendolyn Field What an amazing book. If you like books with a dark theme in them and addressing some hard subjects that leaves you thinking about them long after you finished reading it then this book is for you. loved every bit of it!
Comfort Food - Kitty Thomas This book just messed me all up, it made me think things I didn't want to think and made me feel things I definitely did not want to feel.
I've read some reviews and a few have stated that Emily was weak, gave up too soon and didn't really put up much of a fight. I didn't see it that way. In my reading I'm not really looking to read only about strong, nice, witty people. And both characters were far from it. But I enjoyed their story a lot.
In real life there are all sorts of people, so I like to see that in the books that I read. The ones with characters that act differently from what is the "norm" are the ones that speak to me more. I want to see inside their heads, I want to see what makes these characters tick, what makes them think and act the way they do. I got all that and much more with this book and that is why I enjoyed it so much.
I wasn't expecting romance and I didn't get romance. But I got an amazing book that made me feel a bit messed up at the end and I do enjoy a book that does that to me.
Blackbird - Cheryl McIntyre I loved reading more about Hope and Mason. A great read.
Safe Word - Teresa Mummert 3.5 stars.
Raid (Unfinished Hero, #3) - Kristen Ashley Another amazing book by Kristen Ashley :)
دعاء الأنبياء والصالحين - Muhammad Mutawalli Ash-Sha'raawi I'm giving it 3 stars. I wanted to give more but although the story had potential the execution wasn't to my liking. I usually love dark stories, I have given pretty high ratings to some dark books in the past. But the heroine on this one just did my head in and I just couldn't understand her actions at all. And the vagina talks just made me cringe.
Before Now (Sometimes Never, #2) - Cheryl McIntyre Loved it!
The Perfect Game (The Perfect Game, #1) - J. Sterling I really like these sports-themed romances. The angst was just enough to keep me interested and the banter between the MC's was really funny. Gotta love the quarters lol And a nice HEA at the end to keep me happy. Very good read.
Break Her - B.G. Harlen How messed up am I after reading this book?? So many emotions, I still don't know what to think really. This book is not for everyone, the rape, violence and abuse scenes make the whole book, there is no time to breathe in between, it punches you right in the stomach. But it's one of my favourites this year because it really pushed my reading boundaries and I do enjoy a challenge. I enjoyed the end (maybe enjoy is not the right word) but I still have many unanswered questions. I guess that's the whole point though.

"She continued to sob, but he just patted her shoulder and held her even more tightly. And whispered one word into her ear.
"Checkmate," was what he said."